Work Internship Network program continues

The Kelberman Center and Utica College recently celebrated the conclusion of the second class of the Work Internship Network program.

The WiN program is a 40-week internship rotation opportunity for individuals with autism or related developmental disabilities that allows participants to develop work-readiness skills with support in a real-world environment.

“With an estimated 50,000 people with autism across the country aging out of school-based supports every year, the need for opportunities such as those provided through the WiN program has never been greater,” said Robert Myers, executive director of the Kelberman Center. “We are incredibly grateful to the many professionals and students at Utica College that not only continue to support our WiN interns, but are actively involved in expanding the program and embracing diversity and acceptance across campus.”

The WiN program interns are immersed in rotating work experiences at various departments across the Utica College campus.

Participants also receive on-going classroom instruction and career exploration support throughout the program.

“My new friends and job coaches showed me communication, teamwork and cooperation,” said WiN intern Joshua Davila. “I couldn’t have done it without them.”

For more information, contact Rachel Richie at 315-797-6241 ext. 330 or email