Breaking the fast with a nutrient-dense meal will help balance you throughout the whole day
By Deborah Dittner
Eating whole nutrient-dense foods not only does the physical body good but also the overall mental health as well.
Your body needs to receive fuel so that all aspects work best in creating your days to be enjoyed with strength, focus and energy.
Starting the day off with breakfast (breaking the fast), provides the body with the necessary nutrients for you to move forward in body, mind and spirit. It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day yet many skip this meal entirely for a variety of reasons — no time during the morning rush, not hungry or the feeling of nausea.
Regulating your blood sugar aids in regulating your mood.
A balanced breakfast of healthy fats, fiber and protein will supply the necessary glucose for healthy blood sugar levels without spikes and crashes decreasing or eliminating the ups and downs of mood. Your breakfast sets up the body for the day providing vitamins and minerals essential for hormonal well-being, the energy needed to start the day and keep your mood at an even keel.
So, what does your body need to start the day?
Many of you will say you need your morning coffee. I agree on a warm beverage (herbal tea or coffee alternative) or a regular coffee, especially if you make it at home yourself. Your favorite shop can have great coffee — just avoid those which can be full of artificial ingredients and loaded with refined sugars and chemicals. These “coffees” will create inflammation of the body and brain and moodiness.
A smoothie can be a good option as long as you don’t fall into the pitfalls of creating a sugar-laden shake. Start with three vegetables such as spinach, kale or red lettuce. Next add a healthy fat such as avocado creating creaminess. Then add a fruit such as berries which are low glycemic.
Cucumber and celery add moisture. Protein can come from select protein powders, nuts and chia or hemp seeds. Plain yogurt (also a protein) can be added but be cautious of sugar amounts. Ginger root or cacao adds additional flavor.
A fruit and veggie bowl can supply needed nutrients supporting your emotional needs. Fruits low in sugar (berries, citrus and apples) provide the sweetness. Add vegetables (leafy greens, celery, cucumber, carrots, bell pepper, artichoke hearts) to provide energy, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, digestive and immune health. Top your bowl off with herbs and spices — cinnamon (beneficial for blood sugar), turmeric (beneficial anti-inflammatory) or a variety of others to your liking.
Cereal is a quick choice but a boxed version from the store is not going to get you through the day. The boxed varieties are typically sugar-laden. Look for those with whole grains, nuts, healthy fats and fiber. Create your own cereal mixes or granola to ensure healthy versions of a quick and balanced start to the day.
A veggie scramble can be an easy and healthy start to the day providing the necessary fat, fiber and protein. Enjoy pasture-raised eggs scrambled with organic fresh vegetables (even vegetable leftovers from the night before) such as spinach, organic tofu cubes, black or kidney beans and topped with salsa and avocado.
Many of you may also opt for yogurt as a quick breakfast. When choosing yogurt, aim for plain organic whole milk Greek yogurt or a dairy-free alternative. Add fruit of your choice, especially berries as these are low glycemic. Chia seeds or hemp seeds and nuts add protein and healthy fats. Top with a dash of cinnamon and a drop of organic, local, raw honey or real maple syrup. The fruit-flavored yogurts typically are sugar-laden and may have additional chemical ingredients.
A whole grain and fiber source breakfast of oatmeal provides a positive mood meal. So many ways oatmeal can be prepared from on top of the stove to overnight oats in a jar. Cook the oats (or quinoa) with water or milk of choice and add flax, chia or hemp seeds, cinnamon and currants OR mashed pumpkin, vanilla extract, pumpkin pie spice and a drop of maple syrup or raw honey. Overnight oats in a jar starts with oats and then add a plain yogurt or milk, berries, chia seeds, cinnamon and topping with banana, nut butter or a few nuts.
Breaking the fast with a nutrient-dense meal will help balance you throughout the whole day allowing your mood to be stable and your body full of energy. Don’t forget to hydrate and move throughout the day. Cheers to a wonderful day!
Deborah Dittner is a family nurse practitioner and health consultant. Her mission is to transform as many individuals as possible through nutrition and lifestyle changes.