Rome Health contributes more than $158 million to the local economy annually, according to an economic impact analysis that projects the ripple effect of industry spending.
“As a major employer and purchaser of goods and services, we have a significant impact on the local economy,” said vice president and chief financial officer Dewey Rowlands. “More than $16 million in tax dollars are generated from the people we employ and the businesses that we support.”
“Jobs are the lifeblood of a community. Each paycheck impacts the economy, supporting businesses as dollars are spent on housing, groceries and other goods and services. Jobs fuel more jobs. As one of the largest employers in Rome, the hospital employs approximately 1,000 people,” Rowlands said.
Construction activity at Rome Health is also having a positive impact on the local economy. Building projects such as the medical center and the Women’s Surgical Suite generate local jobs and revenue and result in improved health care delivery for the community.
Because most of healthcare is funded through state and federal Medicaid/Medicare programs and private insurance, it’s often viewed as a burden on the economy, according to Rowlands. “However, the dollars are well spent. Every dollar spent on healthcare generates $1.60 in economic benefit for the community,” he said. “The return on investment is a better quality of life for the people who place their trust in our care and a significant positive economic impact on our community.”
“Hospitals are one of the few organizations that can have such a significant impact on a community’s vitality as both an economic powerhouse and provider of critical services,” he said. Rome Health provides a broad spectrum of services from emergency and intensive care to primary care, long-term care and diagnostic testing and treatment.