Little Falls Hospital, a subsidiary of the Bassett Healthcare Network, awarded Geena Morotti the Frederika Vickers Conrad and Dr. Joseph W. Conrad Scholarship in the amount of $1,000.
Dr. Sue Conrad Quinby and Roger P. Quinby established the scholarship fund in 1973 in memory of Frederika Vickers Conrad and her husband, Dr. Joseph W. Conrad.
The Quinbys specified that the fund must be used to award a scholarship to a deserving student of the Little Falls Central School District who is interested in pursuing a career in medicine, paramedicine, nursing, laboratory, technical work, hospital administration or any allied health field.
Morotti, the daughter of Lynn and Joseph Morotti, graduated in June from Little Falls Central School District.
She has chosen to follow a career in health care as a physician assistant studying bioscience medicine at Nazareth College in Rochester.
“The euphoria of being able to help others is one of the reasons why I plan to pursue a career in the medical field,” says Morotti. “As a doctor, you develop a relationship with your patients. When patients come to see you, they are not only seeking treatment, they are looking for emotional support and assurance.”